Monday, August 12, 2013

Adios to summer

I can't believe how fast this summer has flown by, and I have gone pretty much nowhere (other than an overnight trip to Lake Powell with friends). I was planning to go to San Luis Obispo, California to spend some time with my sister and her kids for my nephew's 4th birthday, but had to forgo that trip for various reasons. One of those reasons is that my grandmother's health has been failing dramatically with almost daily declines. My mother has been living with her for many months now and is caring for her full time. She even sleeps in the same bed as her. Grandma has been put on hospice care and that has helped my mom a bit, but Mom is really wearing herself out. Grandma's 85th birthday is at the end of this month. We all love her so much and seeing her in such a weak state is very difficult, especially since she has always been so strong and powerful, helping keep the family together and strong for so many years. My sister came out with the kids and spent about a week here and had a great time making some final memories, but saying good bye was heart wrenching. It was really emotional just watching her hug Grandma for probably the last time ever. The tears were flowing freely.
My older sister, who has taught here in the same town as me for the last seven (?) years, got a job in Las Vegas and has now moved away. Although it is less than a two hour drive, it is a big change. It feels really weird not having her here. She is really enjoying Vegas and has a really nice place with a gorgeous pool. I am kind of jealous. My pool can not compare with hers at all!
School starts in just two days. I spent the day here all day today and many hours last week. I had to move into a new classroom and will be teaching 2nd grade now. This is a hard adjustment for me, but one good thing is that I will be in a real classroom now! I can actually say that I have several empty shelves in my classroom. This is strange not to feel crammed into a tiny portable. I started to plan out the first few days of school and am starting to feel a little more excited.
Well, I have to take off for now, but there are several more things that I want to write about when I have the chance...

motorcycle accident witnessed
Lake Powell/gun accident
Summer Games
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