Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thankful heart 2012

It's that time of year again. I really enjoy the whole holiday season and the reminder that it provides to reflect on the blessings that I have been given and the things that I am thankful for inmylife. So here I go.

Nov.12: I am grateful for my sisters, my eternal sisters, my forever friends.

Nov. 11: I am thankful for those who are serving, or have served before, in order to protect their fellow Americans, or to forward the cause of freedom and liberty around the world.

Nov.10: I am grateful for the color red. It makes me happy.

Nov.9: I am thankful for music, and the power it has - like nothing else- to affect my mood, motivate me, and make my heart dance like a fool.

Nov. 8: I am thankful for friends, old friends and new friends. I am not a real outgoing person like I was as a kid, and I don't socialize too much- even with people I know. There's a lot behind it, but I was grateful for a kind parent who shares a mutual friend with me, who invited me to dinner, along with our mutual friend and her daughters. I got to see her beautiful home, watch her spirited kids run and play together, and chat with some great ladies. ♥

Nov.7: I am thankful for the comforting peace that comes through prayer. There is no power like it on Earth. When darkness surrounds me and threatens to swallow me completely I can always turn to the Lord through a quiet prayer and His love engulfs me. Through prayer, I was able to calm my troubled soul and get the rest I needed in order to deal with the fear, frustration, and dismay after the election turnout last night.

Nov.6: I am thankful to live in a country where I have the right to vote for the person who I feel best represents me and my faith, morals, and what I stand for. 

Nov. 5: I am thankful for my beautiful nephew, Jude. I have always felt like we share a special connection. I love being around him and he makes me feel so important and special.

Nov.4: I am thankful for fall, the greatest season of all. I love the colors, the flavors, the smells, the weather, the clothes. 

Nov. 3: I am thankful for the moments of motivation that I occasionally get when I feel so overwhelmed that I think I will never accomplish all the things that my ADHD raddled brain wants to get done. I have spent the past few days finally getting a lot of cleaning done that I should not have put off, but I love how I feel once I get so much done, and I love the feeling of a really clean house.

Nov. 2: I am thankful for my little kitty, Lucy. She has saved me. She came along at a time when I was very lonely and still suffering from broken friendships with people who I was very close to. I love when she sleeps with me and crawls right up to my back and lays there. I love how she tags me with both paws as I walk by. I love how much she enjoys just sitting and staring out the window. I never thought I could love a cat as much as I do. She truly is my baby.

Nov. 1: I am thankful for my job and how much fun I get to have every day. I get to make a difference in the lives of so many children and I am so grateful for the love that it has brought to my life. I get hugs, high fives, and "I love yous," every day, and that makes me so grateful for each child I have had in my classroom.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I am glad that you love Lucy so much (I think that she is prrrrdy fond of you too)! I am thankful that she has a good home now!

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