Last night, my sister wanted to play dress up with little Lolo and take some pictures with my camera. After we got Bubs to bed we had fun dressing her up in a tutu and pearls, but she was not completely cooperative and it was a bit difficult to get some good pix at first. These are some of the fun ones that we got. Erin took most of them, but I love them! So they are going on here!!! P.S. My new goal is to post to this blog once a week and update you on what is happening
inmylife. I am focusing mostly on my daily blog which you can check out by clicking
here if you haven't yet.
E. Watts 2011Haha, with her little cap on, she looks like a Puritan baby!
Erin and I happen to have the same quilt. We must be sisters.
E.Watts 2011Grandma's pearls look so beautiful on her!
E. Watts 2011And look at that tutu!
A.Rogers 2011All snuggly in her swing.
A.Rogers 2011Nakie girl... :)
E.Watts 2011Grandma lovin' up the babe!

E.Watts 2011
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