Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Big Changes


After leaving my job earlier this year, I have been trying to figure out what to do. I kind of felt like I needed a big change. I have been in the same place for the past eight years and the past couple of years I have constantly found myself thinking about trying something new. Some of the ideas I have considered have been moving from elementary up to middle school, teaching English abroad (maybe in South America), moving back to California, going back to school and getting my Master's, or just running away and starting all over.
Well, the big news is that I got a job in Texas and will be heading out there later this month. This is the scariest thing I have ever done. I have never been this far away from my family and friends, I have never gone anywhere completely on my own. This will definitely be a big challenge, but it literally happened overnight and I know that it is where I am supposed to be.
At first, I was super excited about it, but now I am starting to really freak out big time. Texas has always been a place that I would love to live, although not forever. I know I don't have to stay if I don't like it or if I feel like things aren't working out, but like I said it is going to be a completely new journey for me and I will be doing it 1600 miles from my family.

 But, I have to admit that I am pretty dang excited to be back at the ocean!

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