Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Gotta love modern health care . . . sort of . . .

I have had a slight toothache the past couple of weeks. I have been dreading having to go to the dentist. I hate going to the dentist more than anything else. I hate to say it, but I haven't been in over two years. The last time I went was right before I moved from Page back to St. George. So today my tooth was bothering me more and I decided I better get to the dentist sooner rather than later. So I started calling around this morning on the way to school and was able to get in this afternoon. I was there for three hours and the news wasn't so good. I had a cavity beneath an old filling in my wisdom tooth and a cavity in the tooth in front of it. I also have a ton of old fillings that he said are wearing out and need to be replaced. So he did four fillings today, including the wisdom tooth. Having to have my mouth open for that long and the fact that they were in the very back- the most difficult area- really left me in horrible pain. I chomped my cheek pretty bad too right after I left because I was so numb. Needless to say, I am hatin' life right now...

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